Life gave this nerd some lemons
Hi Readers. Sometimes (read ALWAYS) starting over is incredibly hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re entering a new fandom, beginning a new cosplay project (or cosproject… because it’s not cosplay till it’s done), or creating a new D&D character, or developing a new website.
All of the above are either places I’ve been or journeys I’m navigating (except the cosproject one, because it’s Phoenix Comic Fest in a week, and I ran out of time). For this nerd and this website, it’s a bit of a “When Life gives you lemons” scenario. In my case I told Life repeatedly that I didn’t need any lemons, and I wasn’t interested in lemonade until Life said “Well deal with it. Here ya go”.
For four years I ran, and posted geekly updates for pop culture and cons to another site and due to a hosting issue it’s now gone… poof, evanesco! Without any other details, that’s the sack of lemons I was handed. Like any time Baby has been wrecked on Supernatural I found myself without a way to get where I needed. Instead of saving people and hunting things, it was doing stuff and blogging things.
There was a part of me that thought that maybe when Life offered the lemons that I’d throw them back and throw in the towel. I thought about all of the photos I’ve taken, reviews and interviews I’d written and posts I’d posted and felt like there was no way I could recreate or re-post it all. It would take more than an Infinity Gauntlet for me to snap my fingers and put everything back the way I wanted it. So maybe just stopping would be easiest.
But I realized that’s crazy, I’ll still be doing all the same nerdy things and loving to share them just as much. The trips down memory lane were both bittersweet and inspiring, because as much as I wish sometimes I can’t just be wiped and rebuilt like a Westworld host. My posts will still include movie and show reviews, news for conventions, cosprojects and other geeky craft updates, as well as my new adventures as a D&D player (I have a couple campaigns under my belt and am about to create my first cleric… pray for me).
Now that I’ve looked back I decided I had to start over with Life’s stupid unwanted lemons. I’m certainly not going to make lemonade, I have neither sugar nor the inclination to write anything sweet at this time. I will however recognize that overall whether I wanted it or not I needed a change, and say “Thanks Life, for the chance to detox” and begin again with new nerdy and bloggable memories.